

Typical Day's Schedule

Student arrives 8.30am winter schedule, 7.00am summer schedule –
my hangar KMAN.

We will sit and talk for about 1/2 hour or so, about you and your personal flying, where you fly, who trained you, your experience level, personal likes and dislikes, education, travel, family, etc-just get to know each other a bit and get comfortable! (No charge for this part) I want the client to get to know me and I want to know you! Somewhere in the conversation I usually bring up the fact that this is not an exam – we are here to have fun flying together, and learn a bit too.

Then we’ll begin our training day with a review of your FAA license, Logbook, Medical Certificate, and signing of the WAIVER FORM. No Clients will be trained without these basic requirements!

Next we’ll outfit the aircraft with you in the left seat. Custom seat cushions will be added or subtracted, including seatbacks- so that you are “fitted to the airplane”. You will notice that an RV is roomy and comfortable, but it is an aircraft that you “wear”. I want you to have full access to all controls in a normal sense, just as you would fly your own airplane. The onboard Hooker Harnesses will be fit to you and your body type at this time also. You’ll be snug but comfortable.

After you are outfitted in the plane, we’ll power up the panel and quickly review the panel set-up and functions of all equipment, especially flap switches (there are so many different kinds in the world!) Trim switches, engine controls and engine gauges. These have all been set-up on the panel with ergonomics in mind, everything at your fingertips and in a logical format.

Out of the plane, back to the bench to review the import aspects of the POH and Checklists. We’ll have a discussion about RV weight and balance, different senarios you should include in your POH. Emphasis on V speeds, taxiing in X-wind, and use of checklists in your flying. Lastly, we’ll discuss the landing diagram included in your syllabus, the hows and whys and whens of control inputs required to land an RV smoothly and confidently. By the time we finish the training lessons, you will have committed this important information to memory!

We’ll continue in the hangar with a thorough pre-flight of N585RV, concentrating on things typical of RV series airplanes, what to look for and common problems. Many clients have questions about how I dealt with certain problems during the building process / flight testing phase, why was something done a certain way? Often, I learn a new technique from a client during the pre-flight!

Hey! Its time to go flying! We buckle up and begin with engine start. We’ll check off each item in the checklist quickly before taxi. Normally, I will suggest that I handle the radios during our flight, so that you may focus on flying and learning.

**Lesson One is approximately 2-2.5 hours of flight time and can be found in the syllabus. The entire syllabus can be provided upon request at my email address or by phone.

**We’ll land for lunch, put the plane into the hangar and break for 1 hour. Many of the typical “fast food, yummy, not so good for you stuff” restaurants are close by and then you can relax for a bit on the hangar couch with food coma.

**Lesson Two is approximately 2-2.5 hours of flight time and can be found in the syllabus (see above). If we have extra time booked, we can add in some pure RV fun flying or some challenging exercise of my own design – depends on your experience level, comfort level and time available.

When our training is complete you will fill up the aircraft at the pump, just the way you got her and back to the hangar. Time will be taken to discuss your strengths, and also what skills you might consider working on and practicing during your first RV flights. Many students wish to hangar fly for a bit and discuss certain senarios or planned first flights. We’ll close with the logbook entries and some bookkeeping.

"Chris is a wonderful instructor and really made my first flights go well."
-Mel B.
"I had a super time learning the specifics and subtleties of RV flight."
-Bob W.
"Really fun two days with Chris at Kono! Learned a ton about RV flying."
-Ray R.
"You can't spend better money than training for your RV flights with Chris at Let's Fly!"
-Kathy P.